Women Empowerment and Leadership


WEL had a great success celebrating Eid al-Fitr at Ipswichwith the Muslim Afghan community in May 2023

Eid al-Fitr is one of the most important celebrations for Muslims around the world, which isafter 30 days of the holy month of Ramadan. This celebration event provided a greatopportunity to come together as a supportive and loving community and witness prouddisplays of creative heritage and diversity with family, children, friends, and communityleaders. At this event, WEL hosted traditional Afghan, and Indian dance, face painting Hina,and colorful tables with traditional Afghan cultural food.WEL was grateful to host distinguished guest speakers including, Aunty Yvonne Orley for anacknowledgment of country, local indigenous history and a beautiful heartfelt song – “Weare one we are Australian”Rita Anwari the founder and director of WEL opened the ceremony with her powerfulspeech about the resilience of the Afghan community and the harsh reality of too manyAfghan women.We were also delighted with information presentations from a representative of Gold CoastMulticultural Arts Dr Shadi, on cultural art at the impact of it on the multiculturalcommunity. Dr Sayed Hashim a representative of the Afghan gold coast community. DrHashim an expert on Afghan history in Australia and the Afghan cameleers.The WEL Team was also very moved and proud of our beautiful Khadija the Afghan women’srepresentative of WEL and her heartfelt speech about Afghan women.Geeta Chandra had a very powerful presentation by art dance story of women coming fromthe villagers being a victim of Dominic violence.Many thanks to Mayor Teresa Harding – Ipswich City Council, Jennifer Howard MPCouncillor, and Jacob Madsen – Ipswich City Council for supporting this event.And of course, Multicultural Australia – nothing can be done without their unconditionalsupport.Thank you so much to all other community leaders for joining this wonderfully successfulevent in celebration of Eid!

WEL had a great success celebrating Eid al-Fitr at Ipswichwith the Muslim Afghan community in May 2023 Read More »

The Report on the event “Multicultural Women Eid Celebration”

On the 29th of April 2023, Women Empowerment and Leadership in collaboration with Islamic Women Australia Association held yet another successful event. The event invited many women and children to celebrate Eid Al-Fitr 2023 as it is one of the most important celebrations for Muslims around the world, which is after 30 days of the holy month of Ramadan. The day of Eid al-Fitr is a day of honour for those who fast in the month of Ramadan to be in the presence of God and to be proud of the fact that they were able to obey and follow the Holy Prophet (PBUH). WEL and IWAA organised many activities and presentations throughout the event. The event had several crucial presentations such as Pushpa Vaghela and her incredibly important presentation on mental health, Linna Reakes who had a presentation on how to buy your first property and to live a happy life, followed by Kareems talk about NDIS and the benefits of NDIS for logan women. Furthermore, WEL wants to bring to light some of their favourite highlights throughout the event which include the artistic dance performance by Geeta Chandar, followed by the traditional Afghan and Indian dance, face painting, Hina and colourful tables with fruits.

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WEL’s Report for the 11th of March Event – Raising the Voices of Afghan Women

On the 11th of March, Women Empowerment and Leadership (WEL) held their event“Raising the Voices of Afghan women”. The event has been a legacy that has been passed onevery year by WEL to always celebrate and shed light on the resilient women around theworld, especially Afghan women; Women whose identity has been wiped, whose humanrights have been denied and crushed. Women who have been silenced and forced intosubmission. The event organized by WEL gave a voice to these resilient and strong women,who despite being denied all of their rights, have risen up and shown that there is alwayslight. If only we are brave enough to see it. If only we are brave enough to be it. The eventhosted many prominent and powerful people such as the attorney general and minister forjustice, women and the prevention of domestic and family violence, honorary ShannonFentiman, The honorable Leanne Linard MP, Minister for children and youth justice, andminister for multicultural affairs, in addition to Senator for the state of Queensland Hon. PaulSacrr. These prominent figures through their touching messages inspired hope and a beliefthat better days lay ahead. Furthermore, the Founder and CEO of WEL, Rita Anwari, held aninformative presentation on the road map of higher education in Afghanistan; where she stepby step took the audience through the history of the abolishment of education for women inAfghanistan. It was a heartfelt presentation, reminding everyone who attended the event thatalthough women’s rights are an integral part of Australian society, there are still many otherparts of the world where women are denied even the basics of human rights, it is a reminderto never stop fighting to empower women all over the world. On this exclusive event, therewere around 70 community leaders who attended the event, and WEL considers the event atremendous success, where the event gathered and encouraged a community of people whomall strive for the same vision; A world where rights are given out freely to each individual,where privilege is granted to every human being and not allocated on the basis of sex.

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Brisbane is lit up (Afghanistan Independence Day)

On August 19, 2022, all the historic bridges of Brisbane city were lit up with the Afghan tricolor flag to show the world that our black, red, and green flag still exists. Afghans and other residents of the city of Brisbane were invited to visit the above sights with their families and celebrate by taking photos and selfies at night. Special thanks to the Lord Mayor, WEL, and AACCI for their direct involvement in this area. 

Brisbane is lit up (Afghanistan Independence Day) Read More »

‘Acknowledging Queensland’s New Afghan Resident’ Event 19 August 2022

Women Empowerment and Leadership (WEL) association founder and director Ms. Rita Anwari Sultani and State Member for Toohey, Mr. Peter Russo MP – Toohey Peace for Asia had the privilege of hosting the ‘Acknowledging Queensland’s new Afghan Resident’ event in at the Parliament House on 18 August 2022. This event was Moderated by Mahsa Nabizada, Presenter at the local ABC Radio. The event started with the acknowledgment of the country, following which the co-hosts Mr. Peter Russo and Ms. Rita Anwari gave their keynote speeches. Paying tribute to the Australian men and women in uniform who lost their lives and were wounded while serving in Afghanistan, Ms. Rita Anwari acknowledged the sacrifices made in the past year since the collapse of the government in Afghanistan. She narrated stories from the first days of the collapse and events that followed. Explaining the low points in her emotional journey to the high points where vulnerable women and children were saved from the crisis were the highlights of her speech. She concluded by acknowledging the significant role the Australian authorities, particularly the office of Senator Paul Scarr, Peter Russo MP, Lord Mayor Adrain Schrinner, Lance McCallum MP, Shayne Neumann, and Jason Scanes played in the past twelve months in the provision of humanitarian support to those in danger in Afghanistan and those who fled Afghanistan and settled in Australia. Mr. Peter Russo MP emphasized on the collaborative approach and the moral responsibility all human beings have for each other. He explained the history of the Parliament House and its role in the provision of timely assistance to those in crisis. He also welcomed the participants to the event and concluded by paying tribute to those Australian men and women of uniform who lost their lives or were wounded on duty.Following the opening speeches, Mr. Paul Scarr, Senator for Queensland, Mr. Lance McCallum, State Member for Bundamba, and Jason Scanes, Founder of the Forsaken Fighters Australia gave their respective speeches. Acknowledging that the newly arrived Afghan Residents in Queensland faced tremendous challenges while being in Afghanistan during the collapse and the events following that, they are now in a safe place and can take part in making a better community in Queensland. The speakers also elaborated on the importance of collaboration during the time of crisis and on the morale responsibility, each and every member of the team felt while working hard to provide assistance to the most vulnerable groups. The current situation in Afghanistan has also highlighted as well as the need for humanitarian support and assistance to prevent millions of people from hunger and poverty. The speakers acknowledged how important the Australian mission was during the past 20 years, and the role the locally engaged personnel played in making this mission successful. The speakers also reiterated that that locally engaged personnel assisted the Australian forces to complete their mission and it was now time for Australia to assist them in saving their lives. The speakers concluded by ensuring their commitment to continue supporting those in need of humanitarian assistance.The event was closed following a panel discussion where all the previous speakers attended and responded to a few specific questions to review the assistance provided in the past twelve months and how it can improve in the future. Once again, the organizers and speakers welcomed Queensland’s new residents from Afghanistan to make this new environment their home and reiterated Australia’s commitment to making their settlement conveince.

‘Acknowledging Queensland’s New Afghan Resident’ Event 19 August 2022 Read More »

International Women’s Day Event by WEL

International Women’s Day and Launch of “The Dark Future” Short Movie Women Empowerment and Leadership (WEL) association, hosted the International Women’s Day on March 27, 2022, and launched the Short Movie titled “The Dark Future.”  Acknowledging the original owners of the land, Dr. Rita Anwari, founder, and president of WEL, welcomed the participants to the event and read her opening keynote. She emphasized on the role of Women in the community, the importance of celebrating the International Women’s Day. She reiterated the situation that Afghan women are facing in Afghanistan, and how they are deprived of their basic rights. She further introduced the guest speakers of the event and requested for the close attention of the participants to the keynotes of the guest speakers and the short move which will be launched during the event. Following the welcome keynote by Dr. Anwari, a comprehensive presentation was given to narrate the current situation of Afghan Women in Afghanistan, following which the Afghan Women appealed to the international community to not recognise the administration in Afghanistan. Honourable Senator Paul Scarr, who were not able to participate in the event due to a prior commitment. His office representative read out his keynote on the International Women’s Day. Congratulation on the launch of the movie The Dark Future. It is important that your story is told so that the people of Afghanistan under the regime of the Taliban are not forgotten by the world. Especially the people who recently arrived from Afghanistan, please know that you have the support and encouragement of the Australian people. My thoughts and heart is still with those who have loved ones who are still in Afghanistan.  Following the message of the Honourable Senator Paul Scarr, the short move “The Dark Future” was broadcasted for all the participants to watch.  Dr. Annette Hurly, Professional and Executive Recruiter at the Acorn Group delivered her message on the importance of having rights for the women. She emphasized on the equal opportunities Australia has provided to all the women exclusive from their background, race, ethnicity, religion, and language. She highlighted the multiculturalism in Australian communities which provides equal opportunities and improves coexistence in the community. Following the keynote speeches by the guest speakers, Women Empowerment and Leadership presented presents and gifts to the guest speakers and a few participants on the event for their extraordinary role in successful completion of the event and on the occasion of the International Women’s Day.

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Women Empowerment & Leadership Project!

It was her battle but she was not alone. WEL presents heart-wrenching real-life story in a dramatized version. Women Empowerment & Leadership in association with Ali Baba Film Production proudly presents a short movie “The Dark Future” which is based on the true story of an Afghan Girl escaping journey from Afghanistan to Australia “land of opportunities” in pursuit of a better future. The story features the 5 months of efforts by the government of Australia rescuing vulnerable Afghan individuals through Humanitarian support. The duration of the short film is 20 minutes. More details about the release date will be coming soon so stay tuned!

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Afghan Women on the Road to Making History!

Australia, Women Empowerment and Leadership (WEL) association had the pleasure of successfully convening the “Women Rights are Human Rights: Raising the Voices of Women and Girls from Afghanistan” event on December 14, 2021. In this event, the efforts of Afghan girls and women were acknowledged, and their voices were raised. MC by a very talented and kind heart  Leila Loei – Ms Austraila World Ambassador to speak up on behalf of Afghan women. The host, guest speakers, and participants reiterated that women’s rights are human rights during the event. This fact will necessitate ensuring that the voice of women is heard and attended to attain human rights for all. While welcoming the Afghan Women who recently arrived in Australia, Dr. Rita Anwari Sultani, founder and president of the WEL, highlighted the challenges these women faced in Afghanistan, particularly their rights as women and their values as human beings. Dr. Anwari also pointed out the opportunities awaiting them while being in Australia. She assured the women left in Afghanistan that they are not alone. People are working on their behalf to ensure their rights are preserved. Mr. Scott McDougal, Commissioner of Queensland Human Rights Commission, conveyed his message of welcome to the newly arrived Afghan women and children in Australia. He also focused on the measures to protect the newly arrived Afghans from violation of human rights, discrimination, domestic violence, and social disrespect. It is vital for the Afghan women and families who arrived in Australia to understand their rights and respect others’ rights. Shannon Fentiman MP for Waterford Attorney General and Minister for Justice, Women Rights and Prevention of Domestic and Family Violence, who attended the event online, acknowledged the organizers of the event and the guest speakers. She reminded the audience about acknowledging fundamental rights that all human beings have. She pointed out the proportion impact of COVID19 on women, putting them at risk of experiencing domestic violence – a shadow pandemic for women. She emphasized that it is crucial to raise awareness and start a conversation on how to play the role of improving women’s rights. She admired the role WEL has played in enhancing these roles in Australia. Ms. Christine Castley, Chief Executive Officer at Multicultural Australia, conveyed her message of improving women’s rights as human rights by putting “Make Equality as your Priority.” She concluded by focusing on women’s access to education, right to vote, equal wage, housing and health services, and access to a life free from violence and discrimination. Senator Paul Scarr, Liberal National Senator for Queensland, expressed his warm gratitude for the organizers and participants of the event. He acknowledged the members of the Afghan Community in Queensland for their efforts in making a safe and successful community in Australia. He briefly highlighted the difficulties in securing safety for the Afghan people who were at risk during the collapse of Afghanistan and the challenges they faced on their way while coming to Australia. He reminded the participants of the tireless efforts Dr. Rita Anwari has put in helping him get the applications forward, secure visas, and ensure the vulnerable Afghans are successfully evacuated to Australia. He reiterated the values Australia respects in protecting vulnerable human beings. He highlighted that it is not only the people who found refuge in Australia. Australia also found you as people who can potentially contribute to building a decent society while being here. He recognized Dr. Rita Anwari’s efforts in building a prosperous society in Australia in the past years. He recalled when he first met Dr. Anwari while establishing the Australian Afghan Chamber of Commerce, working hard to create a bond between Australia and Afghanistan. He briefly explained the journey Dr. Anwari has taken in building her reputation over the past few years. Precisely in the past few months for securing safety for the vulnerable Afghan groups who suffered losses and threats while being in Afghanistan. Following his remarks, Senator Paul Scarr takes the honor of presenting the Australian Flag, which is flown in Australian Parliament as a Token of Honor, to Dr. Anwari for her remarkable efforts in helping the Australian government and Parliament in building a safer and successful society. He thanked Dr Anwari on behalf of the Australian government and the Afghan people who recently arrived in Australia due to her efforts. Following the keynotes provided by the guest speakers, the WEL association presented the Bravery Award to Ms.Roya Dadras, Spokesperson of Afghanistan’s Ministry of Women Affairs, for her efforts to enhance the rights of Afghan Women in her previous role in Afghanistan. During her five years, Ms. Dadras has contributed tirelessly to modernize women’s rights according to Islamic Law, ensuring women and children rights and psychology culture, developing plans and policies for the Ministry of Women Affairs, and defending women’s rights in different platforms. Ms. Dadras expressed her gratitude to the government of Australia, Parliament of Australia, Women Empowerment and Leadership Association, Griffith University, and Multicultural Australia for enhancing women’s rights as the rights of humans. Ms. Dadras represented the Afghan women who contributed to the development of their country besides their male counterparts during two decades, but who saw their country collapse in a few months, and all their sacrifices were wasted. She recalled her vision for making Afghanistan as successful for the Afghan women to have all the opportunities in Australia. Still, at the end of the day, that vision was not achieved because of the collapse of Afghanistan. She called upon the international community to hear the needs of the women in Afghanistan, the challenges they face, and ensure safety for them, as their support is needed more than ever. At the end of the event, Certificates of Appreciation were distributed to all the team members in WEL and Senator Paul Scarr’s office to recognize their tireless efforts for securing visas and evacuation of vulnerable Afghan groups for the past few months.

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Women Empowerment and Leadership