WEL had a great success celebrating Eid al-Fitr at Ipswichwith the Muslim Afghan community in May 2023

WEL had a great success celebrating Eid al-Fitr at Ipswichwith the Muslim Afghan community in May 2023

Eid al-Fitr is one of the most important celebrations for Muslims around the world, which is
after 30 days of the holy month of Ramadan. This celebration event provided a great
opportunity to come together as a supportive and loving community and witness proud
displays of creative heritage and diversity with family, children, friends, and community
leaders. At this event, WEL hosted traditional Afghan, and Indian dance, face painting Hina,
and colorful tables with traditional Afghan cultural food.
WEL was grateful to host distinguished guest speakers including, Aunty Yvonne Orley for an
acknowledgment of country, local indigenous history and a beautiful heartfelt song – “We
are one we are Australian”
Rita Anwari the founder and director of WEL opened the ceremony with her powerful
speech about the resilience of the Afghan community and the harsh reality of too many
Afghan women.
We were also delighted with information presentations from a representative of Gold Coast
Multicultural Arts Dr Shadi, on cultural art at the impact of it on the multicultural
community. Dr Sayed Hashim a representative of the Afghan gold coast community. Dr
Hashim an expert on Afghan history in Australia and the Afghan cameleers.
The WEL Team was also very moved and proud of our beautiful Khadija the Afghan women’s
representative of WEL and her heartfelt speech about Afghan women.
Geeta Chandra had a very powerful presentation by art dance story of women coming from
the villagers being a victim of Dominic violence.
Many thanks to Mayor Teresa Harding – Ipswich City Council, Jennifer Howard MP
Councillor, and Jacob Madsen – Ipswich City Council for supporting this event.
And of course, Multicultural Australia – nothing can be done without their unconditional
Thank you so much to all other community leaders for joining this wonderfully successful
event in celebration of Eid!

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