Women Empowerment and Leadership

Education For Women

Education For Women

Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world. – Nelson Mandela

Women Empowerment and Leadership understands the value of education, in the form of schools, workshops, skills training, and technology which is the only way to empower women and children in impoverished countries.

Our team travels to communities to reach out to women and educate them about educational opportunities and employment opportunities. Our dedicated team is working tirelessly to help rural women learn variety of workplace skills, to build the confidence in which women need in order to gain independence and pride, to help children progress in the area of education, to help women and children have the chance to choose their careers, and to help women stand up against domestic violence.

Educating women can help empower them to further progress in society. We agree with Nelson Mandela that “Education is the most powerful weapon that an individual can obtain”. Alongside our vision, we aim to empower women in less fortunate situations to choose their career pathway, educating on domestic violence, stand up for their political, civil, and human rights. To obtain this we strive to encourage job and skill training, workshops, and schooling for children.

Women Empowerment and Leadership recognizes that women can be the change they wish to see in their communities, and, in turn, their country. In order to make this happen, they need to be provided with the resources and tools to gain self-confidence and excel for their children and their future. Our organization does just that, and we are making progress, with the help of our volunteers, our partners, and our donators, one step at a time.

Women Empowerment and Leadership association assisted women from around the world and vulnerable Afghan women, to get scholarships from Bond University, USQ University and other universities and colleges. We thank the universities and colleges for assisting us to achieve our goal of empowering women and understanding our core values and our vision.  Candidates are successfully pursuing their courses from Masters to PhD.

Women Empowerment and Leadership association assists Women to get an education in different areas. The goal is to empower women, to be able to earn on their own, not be dependent, and be able to express and have the confidence to lead their lives. We assist women from all backgrounds to get educated in the following or in any course they might need assistance in  :

  • Business courses.
  • Child Care courses.
  • Aged  Care courses.
  • IT courses.
  • Medical Courses.
  • Science Courses.

Education opens up opportunities for employment and business and gives exposure to the ever-changing world.

We believe that the aim of education is not knowledge but action. Someone rightly said:

“If you educate a woman, you educate a nation. When girls are educated, their countries become stronger and more prosperous”.

Our Works

Latest Successful



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The Successful Story of  WEL Interne Yewayi Mushaya from Bond University

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Women Empowerment and Leadership