Women Empowerment and Leadership


“Become the kind of leader that people would follow voluntarily, even if you had no title or position.”

On the 20th of June, Women Empowerment and Leadership was offered the wonderful opportunity to travel to the Parliament in Canberra and have a meeting with Hon. Jim Chalmers and the Chief Secretary of Hon. Murray Watt. The director and Founder, Rita Anwari Sultani, was joined by her intern, from Bond University Kaitlyn Byrnes international law and Human Rights Ambassador, Emelie Nordh International relation student. The visit to the #Parliament was incredibly fruitful. During the meeting with the incredible Hon. Jim Chalmers MP, Kaitlyn and Emelie were able to voice their ideas and thoughts on the #budget created by the Australian Labor Party Government. Furthermore, they received wonderful advice and encouragement from the treasurer of Australia, a gift that Kaitlyn and Emelie always will cherish. The team at Women Empowerment and Leadership were also fortunate to visit the Speakers House and had the honour of being personally invited by Hon. Milton Dick MP. It was a fantastic chance for #Kaitlyn and #Emelie to witness and learn about the intricate procedures at work in the Speakers House. Finally, the day ended with a meeting with the Chief Secretary of Hon. Murray Watt – Senator for Queensland, where a spectacular discussion was held, followed by remarkable insights and advice which further ignited a drive and passion for #Emelie and #Kaitlyn to realize their dreams. Human Rights Ambassador, Emelie Nordh and intern Kaitlyn Byrnes want to extend their gratitude to the parliament and especially to Hon. #Jim Chalmers for his passion and interest in listening to the youth of Australia. There is something magical when speaking and listening to the exceptional people who have been able to accomplish and become the very thing that you yourself aspire to be. This is where the ultimate inspiration and hope is created from. There are so many women around the world whose rights have been revoked and who do not have the opportunity in their society nor the tools to become empowered and to realise their fullest potential. This is a privilege that Women Empowerment and Leadership is grateful that they can provide to their incredible interns and volunteers who have big ambitions and even bigger dreams. This is what our not-for-profit organisation stands for, the empowerment of women, giving them the opportunities and tools to become the leaders of their own lives, and ultimately someday the change-makers of our time.

“Become the kind of leader that people would follow voluntarily, even if you had no title or position.” Read More »

Strong Vision of WEL for Empowering Women Through Education!

Women Empowerment and Leadership has a strong vision of empowering women through education and was lucky enough to be able to take its interns from Bond University on this incredible learning program. The interns had the honor of visiting the beautiful Government House in Paddington and attended a remarkable tour to learn more about the protocol of the monarchy, our democratic institutions, the history of the buildings and the previous governors, joined by our wonderful community leaders WEL’s volunteers. #WEL believes that education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world, and it is the key to unlocking the world, as it gives you the passport to freedom, and it was an honor for Women Empowerment and Leadership to give this opportunity to our young, ambitious and wise interns. #Women#Empowerment and #Leadership seeks to empower and provide the right tools to young women to harness and unlock their innermost potential and use it to inspire change. Emelie Nordh and #Yewayi’s bright journey began today when they received a wonderful opportunity to meet with the #Queensland governor Hon. #Jeannette#Young. Women Empowerment and leadership would like to extend our heartfelt gratitude to Hon. #Jeannette#Young and the incredible government team supporting her, it was a truly enlightening experience and priviliage to be able to listen and take part of the wisdom that the governor shared. Rita Anwari Sultani, the director, and founder of WEL has always been dedicated to the vision in bringing together young aspiring women with a shared purpose and a passion for change, and to witness her interns #Emelie Nordh and #Yewayi Mushaya grow into their roles as future leaders was the most giving experience of all. In particular, to see Emelie and Yewayi be so warmly welcomed and encouraged to pursue their dreams by such an inspiring and outstanding individual as Governor Jeanette Young who has achieved the extraordinary through her hard work and dedication. Governor Jeanette Young’s parting words were to always follow your passions and dreams, to base your life on the things that bring you the most joy in life. Women Empowerment and Leadership led by #Rita Anwari, believe in the power of education and using it as tool to realize your aspiration and dreams, inspiring change and empower the people that you meet along your path. This is the purpose of our visit to the Government House, an educational learning experience where our young and ambitious interns studying law and international relations are able to see the beautiful gift that Australia offers, democracy and learning the history and the pillars in which our democracy lies on. There is something extraordinarily beautiful to witness the remarkable democracy that Australia is, and seeing the transparency which is safeguarded by our constitutions – where the public can take part in tours and meeting the governor and government officials, which unfortunately is not afforded to everyone in the world. This visit reminded us on how lucky we are to be in Australia and inspired our team at Women Empowerment and Leadership to continue to harness our collective strength and create a positive lasting impact. Thank you, Governor Jeanette Young and the wonderful tour guides who made this a day to remember.

Strong Vision of WEL for Empowering Women Through Education! Read More »

WEL Wish All the Best for Emelie Nordh, the New Intern!

Women Empowerment and Leadership is proud to announce Emelie Nordh completion of her internship at the WEL association under the direct supervision of Rita Anwari Sultani from Bond University International relation Law faculty. Emelie Nordh was WEL 27 intern which successfully completed 72 hours with the Women Empowerment and Leadership Association. WEL association would like to thank her for her outstanding work. Emelie began her internship with WEL at the beginning of this year and has achieved plenty during these 12 weeks. She was granted the wonderful opportunity to travel to the federal parliament house in Canberra – an enlightening and educational experience where she was able to witness the WEL team advocate for the women of Afghanistan. Furthermore, she has met prominent government officials, Milton Dick MP Speaker of the Australian House of Representatives which is a dream for any international student to become a reality. Emelie Nordh was given the incredible opportunity to fully coordinate one of WEL’s signature event “International Women’s Day ‘ voices of Afghan women At the Queensland parliament house on 11th of March 2023 She was MC for just over 100 guests including government officials parliamentary and the community leader. We would like to thank Emelie for her passionate spirit and excellent work, we wish her a great successful future ahead. We are looking forward to working with her in the near future.

WEL Wish All the Best for Emelie Nordh, the New Intern! Read More »

Founder Director Rita Anwari Sultani she had the privilege to attend at Caloundra Women’s Brunch Event ” success of Women”

Hosted by Jason Hunt MP, #Member for #Caloundra. She had the honour of talking about Women of #Afghanistan in the last 12 months and what they going through nowadays. She told the young school girls how privileged they are born in a country like Australia and have the freedom to be what they want to be. As we see on news those days women in #Afghanistan are not allowed to have the basic right which is education even not allowed to just go to the park for a simple walk. This is happing in the twenty-first century. If you have heart be the voice of Afghan women and hashtag #justiceforafghanwonen #openschoolforAfghsngirls

Founder Director Rita Anwari Sultani she had the privilege to attend at Caloundra Women’s Brunch Event ” success of Women” Read More »

Director Rita Anwari Sultani with her team try to help some Afghan young girls to move to the land of opportunity Australia from Afghanistan.

This week #Somaya Jan #Rahman and #Mayam Anwari Was invited to the Queensland Parliament by the Attorney-General and Minister for Justice, Women, and the Prevention of Domestic and Family Violence the Hon Shannon Fentiman MP at the QLD parliament house. Both Girls were lucky enough to have coffee with the Minister and talk about their further as youth Parliamentary in near further. And they get the chance to meet with the Deputy Minister of Education as well. Thanks to Annastacia Palaszczuk MP government for building a strong safe community for our girls.

Director Rita Anwari Sultani with her team try to help some Afghan young girls to move to the land of opportunity Australia from Afghanistan. Read More »

Women Empowerment and Leadership association stand and raise its voice against Domestic Violence.

Women Empowerment and Leadership association stand and raise its voice against Domestic Violence. WHICH HAPPENING ON A DAILY BASE IN AFGHANISTAN WEL Director Rita Anwari Sultani had the pleasure to raise the voice of Afghan women and girls who have been held silent. She presents the history of higher education in Afghanistan. Which focused precisely on women and girls and the struggles that they have faced and the achievements that they have accomplished in the last 20 years. Part of her presentation: After the Taliban in 2001, the situation was getting better the acceptance of women and girls in society was getting higher and higher each day and the strategies government created about gender equality and the participation of women and girls in government completely changed the role of women in Afghanistan. Women and girls in this last decade in Afghanistan showed that they can be anything they want being a journalist or working on TV to being in government as a minister or MP. but Today after all these developments again darkness took over Afghanistan and the main victims of this darkness are women and girls, sadly enough that one more time we are witnessing the cruel and barbaric laws against girls going to school or work and their higher education. Even their physical appearance of what they should where there is no place in the current regime of Taliban for women and girls, but still, we can see how hard women and girls are trying to achieve their rights. For the world to see the cruelty of the Taliban and to help them fight back against this terroristic group. We would start the presentation by going to the first university of Afghanistan. History • Which was established in 1903 by King Nader Khan by the name of Kabul University. • After that King Amanullah khan, he expanded the Higher education system by connecting Afghanistan’s Higher Education system with European and other Asian countries. • There wasn’t any change in the higher education system After Amanullah khan. • With The soviet invasion and later civil war that happen Education system was going on in,1990 there were 14,600 students, of which 10,00 were in Kabul university and 60% were women. • By the early 1990s women equalled roughly 40% of the students in university. Before the Taliban took control of Kabul, schools were coeducational and women accounted for 70% of teachers, 50% of civil servants, and 40per cent of medical doctors. • After that when in Sep 1996 Taliban took the control of Kabul they completely ruined the Education system. • In 2001 with the help of international communities, the Afghan government developed strategies and action plans to bring women and girls back to universities and the government was initiated. 1996-to2001 Taliban’s era • During Taliban Girls and women weren’t allowed to attend school and universities and they were forced to stay home. • The percentage of women in Education and Higher education, and in government was 0%. • 50% of girls in Afghanistan were forced to get married at the age of 15. • Some reports show that even girls at the age of 10 were sold for 220 pounds of flour. • Women in Afghanistan were vulnerable to physical and sexual abuse. Government’s Performance • The changes that happened in 2001 created a pathway for the government to work on new strategies and plans and focused on the participation of women. • There were four strategies at the national level, and they were: • ANDS (Afghanistan National Development Strategies 2008-2010) • MDG (Millennium Development goals 2013-2018) • SDG (Sustainability development goals) • ANPDF (Afghanistan national peace and development framework) ANDS: (Afghanistan National Development strategies 2008-2010) It was focused on improving quantity and quality aspects to satisfy the demand for the market-based economy with skilled professionals. Areas that ANDS worked in Higher education were: A: Quality assurance and accreditation B: Increased faculty recruitment and higher education C: Development and upgrading D: Faculty research gender E: Gender equity F: Infrastructure improvement G: Institutional autonomy H: Information systems. MDG (Millennium development goals) Is an UN-based program to improve lives in developing countries this strategy was applied in Afghanistan from 2013 to 2018 strategy has 8 goals. And one of them is to promote gender equality and empower women which gives women and girls assess to go to universities and participate in social and political changes and activities. Especially in the field of higher education, this strategy helped more women and girls to apply to universities and even work in universities as teachers. SDG (Sustainability development goals) Is also and UN strategy for countries like Afghanistan this program has 17 goals. The program was organized based on the country’s needs. In Afghanistan, the focus was on Poverty, Gender Equality, and Quality Education. Part Gender Equality requires the participation of women and girls in every part and aspect of government. ANPDF (The Afghanistan National Peace and Development Framework 2020-2025): ​Are national strategies that are focused on women’s and their socio-economic development and women’s economic empowerment, this strategy talks about how to ensure full access of women and girls to education, freedom from domestic violence, women’s empowerment, etc. • Another large program in Afghanistan was NHESP (National Higher Education Strategy Plan 2010-t0-2014) which worked on quality improvement and increasing access for both men and women, its two main goals were to improve quality and broaden access to higher education, with an emphasis on gender equity. • There were also precise strategies done by the Ministry of Higher education in coordination with the Ministry of women’s Affairs for involving women and girls in Higher education. • There was a higher Education Gender Strategy (2013) the ministry of higher education has developed an action plan to increase the number of female students and faculty. • A-pillar plan with this was the construction of boarding schools for women and girls, with the help of the US state department they construct three boarding schools the first one

Women Empowerment and Leadership association stand and raise its voice against Domestic Violence. Read More »

Wishing Sara Luck, the best luck!

Sara Luck started voluntary work with Women Empowerment and Leadership (WEL) association from May to November 2021. During this duration she gained a lot of experience in terms of communication, coordination, liaison, event management and social media. In particular, she support the administrative and record management of the Afghan Evacuation Support program that WEL organized. Following the voluntary work, WEL provided her with a certificate of appreciation for her tireless efforts during her work. The certificate was key in recognizing the skills and competencies she gained over the course of her volunteer work in WEL. She was able to join Denise Maxwell Solicitors after she concluded her assignment in WEL. They praised her for  her efforts and dedication during her volunteer work in WEL. She is now planning to start her own business. Therefore, WEL would like to wish her best of luck on her new journey.

Wishing Sara Luck, the best luck! Read More »

Let’s Talk about Scholarships for Afghan Women

To reach university education level, a young refugee has to overcome significant barriers with only 1 in 100 making it. Despite their potential, young refugee women are greatly disadvantaged in accessing university education as well as technical and vocational training. Highly educated refugees can become leaders in their communities, creating businesses and social enterprises, or building infrastructure as engineers, scientists and technology specialists. Young Afghan women and men can lobby for improvements to public services as politicians and campaigners, and demand a better future through education, employment, and the protection and nurturing of youth. In doing so, young refugees can support and contribute to peace and stability at a local, national and regional level. At Women Empowerment and Leadership we are committed to providing young women and men who are interested in higher education, the support they need to apply for a range of Australian scholarships and international scholarships. Refugees with good qualifications have a better chance of finding work and contributing to the economy of their host countries or wherever they might end up living. If you are interested in applying for a scholarship, please see our list of resources below and contact us on info@welaus.com.au and also scholarships@welaus.com.au. Queensland Universities: National and International Scholarships: Websites: UNHCR – Aiming Higher – The other one per cent UNHCR – DAFI Annual Report 2019 Homepage | Voices of Youth

Let’s Talk about Scholarships for Afghan Women Read More »

Education is the passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it today.

Women empowerment and leadership has successfully kick-started their new project encouraging employers to bring new trainees to their organisation and enhancing the skills of the existing employees which will allow them to progress in their careers. The empowering of the community is growing for a better future and a strong economy. That’s what we do at the WEL association to build our community for a better future by great skill, education.

Education is the passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it today. Read More »

Women Empowerment and Leadership