Women Empowerment and Leadership


WEL’s Report for the 11th of March Event – Raising the Voices of Afghan Women

On the 11th of March, Women Empowerment and Leadership (WEL) held their event“Raising the Voices of Afghan women”. The event has been a legacy that has been passed onevery year by WEL to always celebrate and shed light on the resilient women around theworld, especially Afghan women; Women whose identity has been wiped, whose humanrights have been denied and crushed. Women who have been silenced and forced intosubmission. The event organized by WEL gave a voice to these resilient and strong women,who despite being denied all of their rights, have risen up and shown that there is alwayslight. If only we are brave enough to see it. If only we are brave enough to be it. The eventhosted many prominent and powerful people such as the attorney general and minister forjustice, women and the prevention of domestic and family violence, honorary ShannonFentiman, The honorable Leanne Linard MP, Minister for children and youth justice, andminister for multicultural affairs, in addition to Senator for the state of Queensland Hon. PaulSacrr. These prominent figures through their touching messages inspired hope and a beliefthat better days lay ahead. Furthermore, the Founder and CEO of WEL, Rita Anwari, held aninformative presentation on the road map of higher education in Afghanistan; where she stepby step took the audience through the history of the abolishment of education for women inAfghanistan. It was a heartfelt presentation, reminding everyone who attended the event thatalthough women’s rights are an integral part of Australian society, there are still many otherparts of the world where women are denied even the basics of human rights, it is a reminderto never stop fighting to empower women all over the world. On this exclusive event, therewere around 70 community leaders who attended the event, and WEL considers the event atremendous success, where the event gathered and encouraged a community of people whomall strive for the same vision; A world where rights are given out freely to each individual,where privilege is granted to every human being and not allocated on the basis of sex.

WEL’s Report for the 11th of March Event – Raising the Voices of Afghan Women Read More »

Women Empowerment and Leadership team run another great workshop by professional migration lawyer Dan Li

At our workshop #Dan she proved information about over 10 different visa programs *family reunion *Partner visa *Skill visa *Few types of working visa *Student visa *And the pathway to PR Healthcare or Teaching Occupations →ANZSCO Sub-major Group 25 – Health Professionals →ANZSCO Minor Group 241 – School Teachers →ANZSCO Minor Group 411 – Health and Welfare Support Workers →ANZSCO Unit Group 1341 – Child Care Centre Managers →ANZSCO Unit Group 2346 – Medical Scientists →ANZSCO Unit Group 2721 – Counsellors →ANZSCO Unit Group 2723 – Psychologists →ANZSCO Unit Group 2725 – Social Workers →ANZSCO Unit Group 3112 – Medical Technicians ANZSCO occupations: →134311 – School Principal →421111 – Child Care Worker →423111 – Aged or Disabled Carer →423312 – Nursing Support Worker →423313 – Personal Care Assistant. Skilled visa – employer-sponsored visa –sc 482 The TSS visa program assists Australian businesses that experience genuine skill shortages and cannot find Australian workers to fill vacant positions. requires employer sponsorship from a regional employer and the position must be likely to exist for 5 years. 494 Visa holders can: • live and work in Australia for up to five years • include immediate family on 494 visa • transition to permanent residency (if eligible) via the 191 Regional Skilled Visa. Truly it was a very useful workshop and hopefully, next year we have a few more workshops to answer the questions of our Afghan community. Special thanks to Nora Amath IWAA Galila Abdelsalam for gallowing me to use their Hall for workshop It means so much to our community.

Women Empowerment and Leadership team run another great workshop by professional migration lawyer Dan Li Read More »

Women Empowerment and Leadership is the voice for unheard women all around the world.

The 26th Prime Minister of Australia, H.E. Kevin Rudd reaffirmed his support towards Afghan women. Once again, he shows solidarity for all women, in particular women of Afghanistan. It deserves to be mentioned that #Australia has not forgotten the women of Afghanistan and will continue its support towards them. I kindly request everyone to share the video in order to raise our voice for all women around the globe. Rita Anwari Sultani

Women Empowerment and Leadership is the voice for unheard women all around the world. Read More »

Women Empowerment and Leadership had the privilege to welcome our great hard-working minister The Hon Andrew Giles MP, Minister for Immigration, Citizenship and Multicultural Affairs to Brisbane,

Our founder Rita Anwari Sultani alongside Afghan community leaders had a very fruitful discussion on the visa issue of the families who lifted behind in Afghanistan and their visa programs. The WEL team leader had the opportunity to introduce our new Afghan Queensland residents who come to Australia after 15/08/2021 and talk about their progress in QLD and the job opportunities, and life skills programs. Fortunately, we heard a few very successful stories of our new Afghan QLD residents. We wrap up the meeting with traditional Afghan culture gift from #Paktia #province of #Afghanistan (Pato) we wrap around the shoulder of the Minister and welcome him to our community That’s how they do in Afghanistan Once again Thanks to our great Shayne Neumann MP to make this meeting happened and hearing from his community. Thanks to Aaron Sadat Queensland Afghan community President alongside other community leaders and #Multicultural #Australia CEO for being with us and raising federal issues from our community. Thanks, Pushpa Vaghela WEL VP for your support. Anthony Albanese goveernment for the support Afghan community.  

Women Empowerment and Leadership had the privilege to welcome our great hard-working minister The Hon Andrew Giles MP, Minister for Immigration, Citizenship and Multicultural Affairs to Brisbane, Read More »

Congratulations to Women Empowerment and Leadership team on organizing another very successful event for Afghanistan Australian youth at T20Iworldcup2022

We Work with our community kids and Afghan Youth to bring the National flag of Afghanistan on the International screens. It was a massive opportunity for our kids to hold hands and walk with their heroes, stand and hold the Flag and be able to interact with celebrities on a greater scale. To be honest, seeing the Afghanistan national flag and national anthem most of us come to tires of joy. What great teamwork Speaicl thanks to Matt from T20Iworldcup2022 management team and our great friends @Ashutosh mirsa @Naz Braksi and the rest of the team

Congratulations to Women Empowerment and Leadership team on organizing another very successful event for Afghanistan Australian youth at T20Iworldcup2022 Read More »

Founder Director Rita Anwari Sultani she had the privilege to attend at Caloundra Women’s Brunch Event ” success of Women”

Hosted by Jason Hunt MP, #Member for #Caloundra. She had the honour of talking about Women of #Afghanistan in the last 12 months and what they going through nowadays. She told the young school girls how privileged they are born in a country like Australia and have the freedom to be what they want to be. As we see on news those days women in #Afghanistan are not allowed to have the basic right which is education even not allowed to just go to the park for a simple walk. This is happing in the twenty-first century. If you have heart be the voice of Afghan women and hashtag #justiceforafghanwonen #openschoolforAfghsngirls

Founder Director Rita Anwari Sultani she had the privilege to attend at Caloundra Women’s Brunch Event ” success of Women” Read More »

Women Empowerment and Leadership had the honor to meet with the Hon Leanne Linard MP Minister for Children and Youth Justice and Minister for Multicultural Affairs at the Queensland Parliament

The meeting was chaired by our founder, director Rita Anwari Sultani she discusses the plan and program WEL working to help the multicultural community in Queensland, especially the program we have for single mothers managed by Qin Guan our strategy adviser, Pushpa Vaghela WEL VP talk about mental health services needs in our community and her plan for future. Nasrin Vaziri talks about the multicultural art programme and the need for our community as we know art is one of the powerful ways to communicate with different backgrounds without talking. As much as we look alike a colourful multicultural team from all different backgrounds we brought the colour to the table on how to build a better community. Our programs were well welcome by our great minister Leanne Linard MP We are so lucky to live in this great country that cares for multicultural people.

Women Empowerment and Leadership had the honor to meet with the Hon Leanne Linard MP Minister for Children and Youth Justice and Minister for Multicultural Affairs at the Queensland Parliament Read More »

Women Empowerment and Leadership run another very successful workshop for Afghan women.

At the workshop, the IWAA representative talks about breast health and breast cancer awareness, which is a very important topic for every woman to talk about and get more information about. At the breast cancer awareness workshop, we had mostly Afghan newly arrived sisters they had so many questions about women’s health which they had never thought of in Afghanistan. one of our sisters from Afghanistan bravely talks about her battle with cancer and she and how she managed she talk about her personal experience. Allamdullha she is doing really well now. The workshop was run by Our beautiful Fateme Bella she covers most of the basic parts of it. Thanks to IWAA for supporting us as muslin women.Nora Amath

Women Empowerment and Leadership run another very successful workshop for Afghan women. Read More »

Director Rita Anwari Sultani with her team try to help some Afghan young girls to move to the land of opportunity Australia from Afghanistan.

This week #Somaya Jan #Rahman and #Mayam Anwari Was invited to the Queensland Parliament by the Attorney-General and Minister for Justice, Women, and the Prevention of Domestic and Family Violence the Hon Shannon Fentiman MP at the QLD parliament house. Both Girls were lucky enough to have coffee with the Minister and talk about their further as youth Parliamentary in near further. And they get the chance to meet with the Deputy Minister of Education as well. Thanks to Annastacia Palaszczuk MP government for building a strong safe community for our girls.

Director Rita Anwari Sultani with her team try to help some Afghan young girls to move to the land of opportunity Australia from Afghanistan. Read More »

Women Empowerment and Leadership run another successful workshop for new Afghan residents in Brisbane by a Professional Food-licensed Chief and Trainer.

Empower Yourself To Be Your Own Boss! Connection ProjectWorkshop #4 Our newly arrived Afghans had the great opportunity to learn how to set up their food businesses in their comfort or run small businesses.Like a*Caffe shop The workshop took over 3 hours to go through all the roles and regulations of the Queensland food business by professional trainer. WEL client had the opportunity to go through the Commercial KitchenVisually learn the basics of the role and regulation of the food business and food safety of Commercial kitchens.In the end, our client as the trainer ran this workshop one more time as they see very interest in then. Special thanks go to IWAA and Fatema Jan Fateme BellaNora AmathStay tuned for more details

Women Empowerment and Leadership run another successful workshop for new Afghan residents in Brisbane by a Professional Food-licensed Chief and Trainer. Read More »