No Fear to Speak Out

No Fear to Speak Out

The Women Empowerment and Leadership and Islamic Women Australia Association had the privilege of hosting a Mental Health event in Ipswich, bringing our community together.

Our panel featured highly talented individuals from various communities, including the Gold Coast, Logan, and Ipswich.

What made this event truly special was that two women-led associations invited men to discuss the issues in our community and the support needed from authorities.

Our panel included Professor Browyn, who discussed the mental health of Australian Indigenous people, especially relevant with the referendum results just a week away.

Ipswich Mayor Teresa Harding – Ipswich City CouncilCouncillor Jacob Madsen – Ipswich City Council#Councillor Sheila Ireland

Dr #Ali Ghafoor #Ali Kadri the CEO of Islamic Colleges, Youth Mental Health representative #Usman, legal system specialist #Sayfullah Hashimi and our Founder Director, Rita Anwari Sultani, shared their insights.

The event was skillfully MC by mental health professional Pushpa Vaghela and moderated by Dr. Nora Amath

Mental health is a topic close to every community member’s heart, and we’re committed to breaking the silence. 🗣️ Our aim is to create a space where your voices are heard, and it was a success.

A big thank you to everyone who attended. Your presence made a difference.

Stay tuned for updates on our future initiatives.

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