“Empowering Futures: Christmas Hamper Initiative for Ipswich Children’s Hospital Leadership Program”

“Empowering Futures: Christmas Hamper Initiative for Ipswich Children’s Hospital Leadership Program”

It was a heartwarming testament to our dedication to empowering women and fostering leadership. Rita Anwari Sultani, the visionary behind Women Empowerment and Leadership (WEL), graciously stood alongside the Shayne Neumann MP Ipswich Hospital Foundation in an impassioned effort to uplift premature babies and their families.

Amidst a spirited one-day fundraising drive, WEL took a resounding step forward by generously donating 30 thoughtfully curated bags.

Packed to the brim with essentials tailored for both women and newborns, these bags hold a collective value of $300 or more each.
Beyond the monetary worth, each item embodies care, support, and a touch of holiday cheer. These gestures are designed to evoke joy and bright smiles, especially during this festive season.

The impact goes beyond material contributions.
It’s about creating moments of happiness and providing tangible support that extends hope to these families facing challenging times.
Rita Anwari Advocate-Ipswich Queensland unwavering commitment to women at every stage of their lives resonates profoundly in this heartfelt gesture.

This collaborative effort highlights the strength and compassion within our community.

It’s a reminder of the power we wield when rallying together to make a difference. By nurturing women’s empowerment, we’re nurturing a brighter future for everyone.”
Mary Christmas 🎄

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