Women Empowerment and Leadership

Women In Entrepreneurship

Women In Entrepreneurship

With the progression of education women in technology, we as an organization can further work in enabling more opportunities for women in entrepreneurship. If business is a career path which one wishes to take, we aim to provide the entrepreneurship skills through the use of idea creating which will allow the individual to seek their desired career outcome. Introducing women to become an entrepreneur will further allow them to gain a sense of independence for employment. We want women to be able to stand on their own feet and work towards betting their own lifestyle. 

Our Works

Latest Successful

Women Empowerment and Leadership had the honor to meet with the Hon Leanne Linard MP Minister for Children and Youth Justice and Minister for Multicultural Affairs at the Queensland Parliament

Women Empowerment and Leadership had the honor to meet with…

The meeting was chaired by our founder, director Rita Anwari Sultani she discusses the plan and program WEL working to help the multicultural community in Queensland, especially the program we…

Women Empowerment and Leadership run another very successful workshop for Afghan women.

Women Empowerment and Leadership run another very successful workshop for…

At the workshop, the IWAA representative talks about breast health and breast cancer awareness, which is a very important topic for every woman to talk about and get more information…

Women Empowerment and Leadership