Ramadan Food Package Distribution Day 3

Ramadan Food Package Distribution Day 3

On its third day, Women Empowerment and Leadership distributed 9 large and 100 small Ramadan Food Packages for the vulnerable Afghan Women and Children in Kabul. During this holly month, it is our obligation to provide and extend a helping hand to the needy.

As the majority of Afghan population is living under the poverty line, a lot of people are therefore vulnerable and at risk of hunger. Therefore, those privileged and able to help are obligated with providing as much as they can.

By this post, WEL is not seeking for raising funds, but we insist on finding appropriate ways for everyone around the world, who can and will help to support as much as they can. This is the time that you can make a difference to humanity and prevent collapse of a generation due to hunger.

WEL will continue supporting the vulnerable families, especially women and children in Afghanistan. Please follow the process of our Ramadan Food Package Support on the coming days. 27 more days to go.

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