Women Empowerment and Leadership

Domestic Violence

Domestic Violence

Family, domestic, and sexual violence is a major health and welfare issue. It occurs across all ages, socioeconomic and demographic groups but mainly affects women and children. Indigenous women, young women and pregnant women are particularly at risk.

Women are at greater risk of family, domestic and sexual violence. One in 6 Australian women have been subjected, since the age of 15, to physical and/or sexual violence by a current or previous cohabiting partner. (ABS 2017b)

Women Empowerment and Leadership work diligently to help women in understanding their self-worth.  We Educate them about equality and their rights. In order to prevent domestic violence, we educate the male members of the society and different communities to bring awareness.

With the work we do to empower women, we hope to tackle and minimize domestic violence in society.

Our Works

Latest Successful

The Connection Project 2nd Workshop | Employment, Empowerment & Leadership

The Connection Project 2nd Workshop | Employment, Empowerment & Leadership

On Saturday 24th of September at Logan Community Centre Rita Anwari, Founder of Women Empowerment Leadership in conjunction with Annette Hurley, Managing Director of The Career College held…