“Become the kind of leader that people would follow voluntarily, even if you had no title or position.”

“Become the kind of leader that people would follow voluntarily, even if you had no title or position.”

On the 20th of June, Women Empowerment and Leadership was offered the wonderful opportunity to travel to the Parliament in Canberra and have a meeting with Hon. Jim Chalmers and the Chief Secretary of Hon. Murray Watt. The director and Founder, Rita Anwari Sultani, was joined by her intern, from Bond University Kaitlyn Byrnes international law and Human Rights Ambassador, Emelie Nordh International relation student.

The visit to the #Parliament was incredibly fruitful. During the meeting with the incredible Hon. Jim Chalmers MP, Kaitlyn and Emelie were able to voice their ideas and thoughts on the #budget created by the Australian Labor Party Government.

Furthermore, they received wonderful advice and encouragement from the treasurer of Australia, a gift that Kaitlyn and Emelie always will cherish. The team at Women Empowerment and Leadership were also fortunate to visit the Speakers House and had the honour of being personally invited by Hon. Milton Dick MP. It was a fantastic chance for #Kaitlyn and #Emelie to witness and learn about the intricate procedures at work in the Speakers House. Finally, the day ended with a meeting with the Chief Secretary of Hon. Murray Watt – Senator for Queensland, where a spectacular discussion was held, followed by remarkable insights and advice which further ignited a drive and passion for #Emelie and #Kaitlyn to realize their dreams. Human Rights Ambassador, Emelie Nordh and intern Kaitlyn Byrnes want to extend their gratitude to the parliament and especially to Hon. #Jim Chalmers for his passion and interest in listening to the youth of Australia. There is something magical when speaking and listening to the exceptional people who have been able to accomplish and become the very thing that you yourself aspire to be. This is where the ultimate inspiration and hope is created from.

There are so many women around the world whose rights have been revoked and who do not have the opportunity in their society nor the tools to become empowered and to realise their fullest potential. This is a privilege that Women Empowerment and Leadership is grateful that they can provide to their incredible interns and volunteers who have big ambitions and even bigger dreams. This is what our not-for-profit organisation stands for, the empowerment of women, giving them the opportunities and tools to become the leaders of their own lives, and ultimately someday the change-makers of our time.

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