Women Empowerment and Leadership founder Rita Anwari Sultani and Secretary Leila Loei – Ms Austraila World Ambassador welcomed the three Afghan families who just arrived in Australia this week with a colourful cake, toys for children and dignity bags for women. It is a pleasant feeling to see younger children, especially girls getting better chances to make a bright future for themselves.

Meanwhile, it is also painful to hear their sad stories and things they have been through. It is really unfortunate that minor kids had to go through all those misery in Afghanistan due to failed politics. They spent most of their childhood in battlegrounds instead of playgrounds, it is such a shame that the politicians have failed them over and over again. As an organization entirely dedicated to the empowerment of women, WEL will always be here to support these kids in every step of their journey for a better future in Australia, including finding the best pathways for education.

It is timely to thank all the people who helped us get these families out of misery. Lives have changed for good thanks to the roles these amazing people played in securing visas and relocating these families out of Afghanistan.

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