WEL is Proud to Introduce our 2nd Intern for 2023 Kaitlyn Byrne from Bond University

WEL is Proud to Introduce our 2nd Intern for 2023 Kaitlyn Byrne from Bond University

Faculty of Society and Design and Faculty of Business.

Kaitlyn is studying a double degree in a Bachelor of #International Relations / Bachelor of Business (Management) which she will graduate from in December 2023.

Throughout her education, Kaitlyn has specifically researched and contributed to the discussion of women’s sex-based rights in developing countries. Kaitlyn also has extensive community volunteer and leadership experience through her involvement in Surf Life Saving as a volunteer Patrol Captain, where she enjoys giving back to her local community and ensuring public safety.

WEL founder director Rita Anwari Sultani is excited to welcome her to the team where she will contribute to international women’s rights advocacy, through her education knowledge, experience, and passion for women’s rights under the direct supervision of WEL director Rita Anwari

WEL will support Kaitlyn to pursue her career aspirations of working to improve government and international policy to better reflect those it represents. Both Kaitlyn and WEL believe that women-focused policy is an important subject that needs continual discussion, research, and representation to help implement meaningful positive change for women in Australia and abroad. Kaitlyn is enthusiastic to expand her knowledge of women-focused policy, rights, and issues they face through her internship at WEL which will support her in exploring these areas and developing her knowledge of women’s empowerment and leadership.

We are proud to welcome her to the team and we will keep you posted on her work and contribution throughout her 12 weeks at WEL.

Kaitlyn’s personal message is,

“I believe all women regardless of their background, ethnicity, religion, or personal characteristics should be given the fundamental equal opportunities to always feel safe, have access to health and wellbeing resources, pursue an education and contribute to the discussion of women’s rights. Spreading awareness, improving policy, and not accepting sex-based discrimination is an important way forward in creating a more safe and inclusive future for all women.”

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