The future of Afghan women is dependent on us. We as women around the world should stand by their side and support them.

The future of Afghan women is dependent on us. We as women around the world should stand by their side and support them.

Women Empowerment & Leadership is grateful to announce another successful project for the young girls in Afghanistan who have been forbidden of education. On the 12th of October we celebrated the International Daughter Day where we recognized and showed our love and support to our daughters. In our society we need to empower our daughters to be strong independent women.

Due to the situation in Afghanistan, we understand that girls and women are deprived of education and of their jobs therefore Fahima Alami, our ambassador for Afghanistan and WEL came together in helping to provide books and stationery. We are providing such materials and support in order for the betterment of their future and education.

We are here to support these young women and children in overcoming the new regime which has taken away many opportunities of success. We believe as an organization that all women and girls should not be deprived of a fulfilled education. As we know in Afghanistan girls are forbidden from school, but we want to support from miles away to raise awareness and provide help for such young individuals.

Hopefully in the near future we want to help these young women through our scholarship programs in allowing them to gain better education through international means. We want to them to be great leaders in the future and to build Afghanistan. We want them to be a voice to the world to show their great achievements alongside the hardships that they face.

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