Another Success of Women Empowerment & Leadership Team!

Another Success of Women Empowerment & Leadership Team!

As per the vision of women Empowerment & Leadership, we are trying to help those who need our assistance in this tough time in order to empower and support those in need. From 15th of August 2021, we as a team have helped so many Afghan Refugees to settle peacefully in the land of opportunities.

Our Founder and Director of Women Empowerment & Leadership, Rita Anwari, has been working tirelessly day and night to help all the families who need support. She has helped those who have had visas for Australia but were stuck in Kabul.

It brings us so much joy to see these beautiful pictures of these innocent children who landed from a direct flight from Islamabad to Australia. This gives us so much happiness and support to keep working towards helping more families to continue our humanitarian journey. Our other mission is to also help the newly arrived Afghans to settle in Australia through our volunteer settlement programme. We continue to work towards helping the families who are at high risk in Afghanistan.

Stay tuned for more to come!

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